Welcome To DLGS


We feel pleasure to introduce ourself as A Group of NUMEROLOGIST/ASTROLOGIST and Healer through BACK REMEDIES and SWITCH WORD REMEDY in DELHI-NCR in India. All the Consultants are well qualified in all Vast subjects and have long experience {more than 10 years}. We provide consultancy on different topics concerned with the life of every human living on the beautiful planet earth.


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What We Offer

Our Services

Those Who Know Any Divine Science Like Astrology/Numerology/Switch Word
Heeling/Bach Flower Healing/sigil Healing Can Indicate and
Can Suggest Rest is in The Hand Of Lord Brahma

Numerology is the science of numbers where every number has a different vibrations. There are deep significance of each number..

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Keeping in view the facts the MATCH MAKING has become very necessary before marriage of Boy and Girl.

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Switch Words/Divine, Switch Codes, Sigil Remedy / Healing, Aromatherapy, Chakra Healing

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Everybody must believe that astrology is a divine science which has come to us as gift from the God.

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Know there are 7 planets and 2 shadow planets in the Astrology. Each Planner Govern some parts of human body.

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All kind of Yantra for Different Planets are available with us we can provide Yantra of the Planets

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Gain a Success With Us!

Our Numerology Solutions

Numerology is the science of numbers where every number has a different vibrations.
There are deep significance of each number.

In this service we only make LOSHU GRID CHART of a client by his/her date of birth on the basis of the LOSHU GRID.

MATCH MAKING of Boy and Girl has become very necessary now a days for happy and successful married life.

In this method the energy of numbers present in Grid are Balanced to improve COMMUNICATION, RELATIONSHIP, INTELLIGENCE …

This is always asked by many clients which profession will be suitable for me so by study of PSYCHIC and DESTINY number..

We can’t change our date of birth but can change the spelling of our name {only option with us} to shine our Destiny.

Asper deep analysis of LOSHU GRID of client our expert team members suggests REMEDY in the form of some YANTRA wearing.

Our Healing Solutions

Remedical/Healing Service

Switch Words/Divine, Switch Codes, Sigil Remedy / Healing,
Aromatherapy, Chakra Healing

Nowadays the schedules of the persons is very busy. It is not easy to chant the old Mantras of framed by holy RISHIMUNI in Sanskrit language.

All the numbers have powerful energy. Many healer instituted many kinds of number codes for various purposes and have divine healing power.

This is METHOD OF SIGIL in which SIGIL are made by many methods to GET RID FROM ANY PROBLEM OF LIFE.

It is a holistic approach to balancing the body, mind and soul through plant bases oil.

These are about SEVEN CHAKRA in the human body which provide positive energy to the different parts of body.

Our Products

Yantra of the Planets

All kind of Yantra for Different Planets are available with us we can provide Yantra of the Planets.










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