
Horoscope and First House/Lagna/Asendent

Life is full with tensions and problems of many survivals on this planet earth and can be made easy with help of astrology science consultation. Horoscope/janampatri is miror of life of every individual person,only good/learned astrologer can through light on it after study of nine planets,twelve houses and twelve zodiac signs and their position in horoscope. Little […]



Astrology and Yantras

Astrology deals with planets . This is very old science given by old saints/rishis as gift to this world. Life can be improved by use of astrology and planet YANTRAS ,if there is problem there is solution and problem can be guessed by using astrology consultation. Horoscope is drawn in this science on the basis of DATE,[…]



What is Numerology and how does it work?

Numerology is the science of numbers. There exist many types of numerology now a days. This science deals with numbers as every digit from 1 to 9 has deep significance and vibrations. It can be used to understand the inner traits of person surviving on planet Earth. How numerology works efficiently. Many person are unaware of the[…]