In the past the marriage proposals were offered to both the families {family of boy and family of Girl} by the mediators like PANDIT OF FAMILY and by nearby RELATIVES. Then some offices were opened by AGENTS who offered the proposal to both the parties.

Nowadays the relationship proposals to both parties are communicated by different communication agents like SHADI.COM etc. 

None of them has given suggestions for compatibility of marriage and MATCH MAKING of Boy and Girl who are going to be HUSBAND & WIFE in future, resulting in this that numbers of cases of divorce are increasing day by day.

Keeping in view the facts the MATCH MAKING has become very necessary before marriage of Boy and Girl. This service is provided by our expert team by keeping all the methods.

Astrological method of MATCH MAKING

  • Numerological method of MATCH MAKING
  • Punch Pakshi method of MATCH MAKING

The date of Boy and Girl in question going to become Husband and Wife in Analysed and on the basis of analysis it is advised that how much percentage {out of 100} is for good and happy married life of Boy and Girl as Husband & Wife in future.

By using this method for the compatibility of the business partner, we need data. Date {calendar date}, Time {Railway time} and place {city district and country}

Fill Form for Consultation

    Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.

    Detail of Boy and Girl:-

